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League of Angels

League of Angels > Heros

Dragon Whisper
Dragon Whisper

Dragon Whisper is descendant of ancient dragon clan. When she was born, Devil invaded the land guarded by Angels. Her father died in the battle against evil force, and her mother entrusted her to elders of dragon clan. Years later, Dragon Whisper grows up. She is slim and pretty. Most importantly, she inherits excellent dragon-driving power and ancient witchcraft. Since she lives with dragon and lives far away from human beings, she wears very little clothing, which makes her wild and sexy.


[Hero Information] 

Hero Class: Mage

Growth Qualification: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★  

Hero Position: Healer-support

Hero Skills: Dragon Clasp

Regular Skill: Consume 25 Rage to cast. Heals 3 party members with the least HP, recovering HP equal to (15% HP target lost +90% Caster's MATK +1250).


Stats of Dragon Whisper  

4000 1000 500 500 200

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