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League of Angels Version Update V 3.90: New Sylph Saga Shows Up!


Update Time: October 12th
New Version: V3.90
New Hero:
1.Golden Disciple

She is the evolution of Genesis, with unique skill of Prayer of Light.

2.Thunderclap King

He is the evolution of Thunder Lord. No one has seen his real look before the update this week.

New Sylph:

She is an all-knowing apostle who spreads the wisdom of the ancient world.

New Item:
Khaos Cards
Including Khaos Angel Card, Khaos Hero Card and Khaos Equip Card
New Mount:
Divine Pegasus
He is the evolution of Pegasus, Glamour skill: Flying Gallop
Majestic Pegasus
He is the evolution of Divine Pegasus, Glamour skill: Suffering Gallop
Heavenly Pegasus:
He is the evolution of Majestic Pegasus, Glamour skill: Mysterious Gallop

New Fairy Evolution:
Moonfall Evolution
Halloween decorations are added in game.

Smelting event will start on October 16th (server time).