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League of Angels

League of Angels > Updates

League of Angels Updates v3.0255: New system Fairy was released


Update time: September 11th
Version number: 3.0255
We will be updating League of Angels to Version v3.0255. All servers will be updated on September 11th. The update will not affect your progress in the game. To enjoy the update, simply refresh the page when the update is complete.

New Features:
1.Fairy system was released. Click here for more information.
2.New hero Panda Nicky will be available in House of Card on September 15th.

New Items:
1.New Royal Unicorn Soul Shard can be obtain in Angel Chest.
2.New Flair Forum Moderator (30 days) was added.


1.Some mistakes in Angel Quiz were fixed.

2.The display problem of Mikaela in-combat was fixed.

The League of Angels Team