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League of Angels

League of Angels > Updates

League of Angels Version Update V 3.90: New Mount Taotie Arrives!


Update Time: Mar. 23th
New Version: V3.90

New Mount:
Whoever awakens the mythical beast, he is sure to possess great power.

New Components and Background in Homestead:
1.Adjusted the battle time (5:30PM-6:30 PM) for Volatile Battlefields so that more players can participate.
2.Optimized the World Boss so that it can be more enjoyable.

1.Fixed the bug that Worship didn’t work for some angels.
2.Fixed the bug that players cannot get the correct amount of Stamina via 1-click.


1. By using Drako Morph stone, Drako gets an evolution, which is even cuter.

2. The Volatile Battlefields will start on Mar. 30th (server time).