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League of Angels > Updates

League of Angels Version Update V 3.90: Harnessing the Power of Evolution!


In the theme of harnessing the power of evolution, League of Angels is happy to introduce poweful new mounts to you in the latest version. Come and check them out!

Update Time: Mar. 2nd

New Version: V3.90

New Mount:
1.Ghostfire Cat
The evolution of Persian Cat, Glamour Skill: Ghostfire Embrace

2.Seraphic Cat
The evolution of Ghostfire Cat, Glamour: Seraphic Embrace

3.Iridescent Warhorse
The evolution of Warhorse, Glamour skill: Iridescent Battle Cry

4.Cerulean Warhorse
The evolution of Iridescent Warhorse, Glamour skill: Cerulean Battle Cry

5.Purgatory Warhorse
The evolution of Cerulean Warhorse, Glamour skill: Purgatory Battle Cry

New Clothing:
Devotee Costume
Are you wondering what the warriors are wearing on the ancient land where Monica comes from?

The 24th CS Tournament starts on Mar. 5th (server time).