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Pictures of Victoriana Figurine from Burning!


It has been 9 days since the 5th Cross-Server Tournament finished. Today, we have received a special mail from Singapore. Yes, it was from Burning, who was the winner of the 5th Cross-Server Tournament!

Burning told us that he had already received the Victoriana Figurine, and attached some pictures of her in the mail! The Figurine is so beautiful and gallant just as the angel in-game. Now let’s share the pictures of the Victoriana Figurine! 

For the players who didn’t receive the prize, don’t worry because we won’t give the Figurine to winners who have already won it before. So join the Cross-Server Tournament with optimism and maybe you will be the one who wins the next Victoriana Figurine!

Enjoy the LoA!

The League of Angels Team