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Compete for New Hero and Mount in X-server Tycoon!


Release the power of evolution! Hero Inferno Messenger, second Evolution of Silver Messenger, will make his debut in Cross-server Resource Tycoon. Great news is that, the TOP SIX winners in the overall ranking will have the honor to win Inferno Messenger Crest! In addition, ranking 1ST will be able to take the powerful new mount, Bladehawk, to the squad! Let's know more about this new powerful hero and mount. 



Inferno Messenger is a Melee Tank hero with a unique skill called "Inferno Soul", which can add a Phantom reduces all enemies' normal, elemental damage and Divine damage received by 45% each turn, lasts 5 turns, and gains a HP Shield equal to 90% of Max HP each turn, lasts 1 turn.


New mount Bladehawk is known for its wings which are as sharp as blades. Bladehawk also has exceptionally strong talons. It is said that no prey can escape from it. Now this new mount comes to League of Angels to assist warriors in battle. Warriors will feel much more helpful to have such a powerful mount fight with them. 


From Nov. 20th to Nov. 25th, the top 6 players in the overall Cross-Server Resource Tycoon rankings will be able to take new Hero Inferno Messenger to their squad, and top 1 player can get the new mount Bladehawk as an extra reward! In order to rank higher in the fierce competition, players should collect as many resources as they can to earn points. Join League of Angels now and enjoy the simple joy!