League of Angels > KeyFeature
The Zodiac is a series of Single Player Dungeons that have significant importance. Upon clearing each dungeon, you will gain access to a new Aegis. Additionally, the Zodiac is your only source for coveted Aegis Shards. To learn more about the Aegis, check out our Aegis Article.
1. To access the Zodiac, click the Zodiac button at the top of the screen.
2. You start off with one Constellation, but may unlock others by clearing the latest one.
3. To clear a Constellation, you must defeat the final boss.
4. You may clear each constellation once a day.
Official Site: http://loa.gtarcade.com
Forum: http://community.angel.gtarcade.com
Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/LeagueOfAngelsCommunity
GTArcade Game Platform: https://www.gtarcade.com
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