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League of Angels

League of Angels > KeyFeature

New Element zone

New Element Zone

Duration Daily 12:00 -13:00 and 18:00 -21:00 


1.During the event, players can obtain fantastic buffs in the Elemental Zone to challenge powerful monsters.

2.Reach individual and world achievements daily for various rewards.

3. Meet the requirements for Elemental Wander to win even more rewards. 

Fantastic Buffs

The buff icon will light up during the time mentioned above. Kill different element monsters to obtain different buff.

Kill low-level Fire/Ice/Electro Element monsters to obtain Fire/Ice/Electro Element HP.

Kill common-level Fire/Ice/Electro Element monsters to obtain Fire/Ice/Electro Element DR.


Achievement Rewards

when this icon which on the top of the screen light up then you can click it and get the rewards. there are three rewards: Individual Rewards,  World Rewards, Elemental Wander

Individual Rewards

The rewards including Element Scroll, Element Essence, and Stamina.

 World Rewards

The rewards including Element Scroll, Element Essence, and Stamina.

 Elemental Wander

The rewards including Element Scroll, Element Essence, and Diamonds.