League of Angels > Events
Salute warriors!
Sparkling gems make angels more attractive and powerful! Come and be the first one to equip your angels!(The Angel & Gem system is available in the new version now!)You can find the gems in various events. Stay tuned!
This time, you will find them in Happy Sea!
Happy Sea
Duration: 9/23 to9/28 (Server time)
Description: Train & collect bubbles, complete the puzzles and search for Deep-sea Secrets, let's have fun in LoA!
New Items you can get:
1.Flip the cards, and you'll be able to take Mythic Icon Cross(Zeus Series)and T-rex Bone Chest(Mythic) with you!
2.Various gems and glorystones are added. Seize the chance to make your angels more powerful.
3. Whether you are looking for heroes, mounts or angels, check the Emporium out! Light Envoy, Enhanced Fire Unicorn and Noelle are waiting.
Enjoy Happy Sea!!
Fortune Bag
Duration: 9/23 to 9/24 (Server Time)
Note: The Fortune Bag will last for TWO DAYS ONLY!
Nyx, Mech Rider and Zveda Awakening stone will all be availabe in Fortune Bag! Good luck!
Tip: Apart from Magic Mount Soul and various resources, you will also be able to awaken Zveda after reaching certain points!
Victoriana's Favored
Duration: 9/25 to 9/26(Server time)
Description: Who can win Victoriana's Favored?
Note: It's the LAST BATCH of Victoriana's Shards! Seize the chance to take Victoriana into your party!
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook for your chance to win free gifts!

Please note that the above content(including the screenshots) might be adjusted due to changes of the development plan. Final updates will be determined in game.
More exciting events are coming up through September 23 to September 31 (Server time), check them out in the in-game Hot Events menu now!
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