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League of Angels

League of Angels > Events

600 Devotion Bargains for a Limited Time Only


600 Devotion Bargain I

Duration: May 7 (server time)

Server: S1 to S173

Description: Gain 600 Devotion points to buy Soulstones and Refining Stones at a discounted price!



Gain 600 Devotion to buy for 999 Diamonds

Soulstone x300

Gain 600 Devotion to buy for 1999 Diamonds

Refining Stone x1000


600 Devotion Bargain II

Duration: May 8 (server time)

Server: S1 to S173

Description: Gain 600 Devotion points to buy Angel Tears and Runestones at a discounted price!



Gain 600 Devotion to buy for 999 Diamonds

Angel Tears x20

Gain 600 Devotion to buy for 1999 Diamonds

Runestone x1000