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League of Angels Version Update V 3.90: New Fairy Moonlight Hare Arrives!


Update Time:September 13th
New Version: V3.40

As the Mid-autumn Festival is coming closer, League of Angels has prepared some new items specially for players. Please check the details below.

New Fairy:
Moonlight Hare
Beyond the jade heavens and inside the Lunar Palace, a lonely hare safeguards the moon, yearning for the return of her lover.

New Components and Background for Homestead:
The Galaxy-themed Components and the Galaxy Background
A futuristic warrior is always exploring the unknown. With a Mech Rider, he/she can go further in the Galaxy.

New Item:
1.Exclusive token for the Mid-autumn Festival
To gain the token and exchange it for hot items, please keep an eye on Hot Events.
2.Exclusive weapons for CS Resource Tycoon
Friendly reminder: Only in CS Resource Tycoon can players gain the batch of powerful weapons.
3.New Chest
Open this chest for various Galaxy-themed components.
Fixed the bug that Snow Queen didn’t gain resistance to Silence after equipping Godly Bow.