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League of Angels Version Update V 3.051: New Artifact Purgatory Wand


Update Time: Dec. 30th
New Version: V3.051

New Feature:
The max character level is upgraded to Lvl. 100, and more fun and challenges await you ahead!
1)Inferno is open for Lvl.90 and Lvl.95 players.
2)The max level in Eternal Spire is increased to Lvl.22 Stage 1.
3)New quests are added for Lvl. 95 to Lvl.100 players.

New Item:
1.Purgatory Wand
Wand wielded by Fortuna, filled with an unmatchable power.
2.New Year’s Gold
Used to exchange for special items in Hot Events during the New Year event.
New Year’s Silver
Token used in Djinni’s Merchant during the New Year event. Used to purchase Mystery Boxes in Djinni’s Merchant.
3.Mystery Box
Open to obtain valuable items.

1.Add a button in the right corner for players to get quick access to Homestead Forge and Homeland in Homestead.
2.A tip will pop up when players do not have enough skill shards of babies to upgrade.
3.Adjusted the Refreshing and Collecting mode in Farm, Mine and Loggings in Homestead. One item refreshes every hour. The output of items can continue only after players collect the output of 10 items.
4.Items will appear in your Stock immediately after collceting them in Homestead.
5.Adjusted the World Boss to make it stronger than before.

Fixed the bug that it didn’t consume the corresponding diamonds when players gain extra Warehouse and increase Warehouse Level in Homestead Library.