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League of Angels

League of Angels > Updates

League of Angels Update v3.0406: New Fairy: Nightfall and Moonfall


Update Time: Jul. 16
New Version: 3.0406

New Item:
1. Add Supremacy Certificate.
2. Add two criterions----Energy Vitamin & Element Scroll in Resource Tycoon.

New Fairy:
Nightfall and Moonfall

New Clothing:

1. Heroic Gear can be upgraded to Imperial Gear
2. Add a shop where you can use Tycoon Certificate and Supremacy Certificate to buy different items in Resource Tycoon.
3. Add new questions in Tarot Card system.
4. Optimized New Bonus.
5. Revise Medieval Armor clothing attribute----replace Crit DMG Rating with Crit Rating.
6. Correct the description of Flaming Warlord Crest.
7. Improved display effects in Elemental Zone. Buff shows on the left side of the screen, and other players can be seen in mini map.
8. Unbreakable Bonding Quest list can be contracted now.

1. Added 10x turn function, fixed bugs concerned with rewards in Capsule Toys.
2. Fixed the image displaying error of some evolved heroes.