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League of Angels

League of Angels > News

Notice of Server Maintenance


Dear Hero, 


The following League of Angels servers will undergo maintenance from May 7th, 2am until 5am EDT. During this period, the server will be inaccessible. While the downtime is currently scheduled for 3 hours, it may take less time than expected. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. 

As a show of appreciation for your patience, we will be offering gifts to affected players according to the downtime after the servers are all up and running. 



For US East servers: from May 7th, 2am until 5am EDT

For US West servers: from May 6th, 11am until May 7th 2am EDT

For European servers: from May 7th, 7am until 10am EDT

For Oceanic servers: from May 7th, 2pm until 5pm HKT


Affected Servers:

S148, S149, S151 to S162, and S188 to S190


 -The League of Angels Team