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To Honor Our Angel - Serrin


To Honor Our Angel - Serrin

Serrin is a LoA experienced player and serves as GM in R2 platform who has offered help to many players in game. Unfortunately, she passed away two weeks ago. We extend our deep condolences to Serrin as well as heartfelt solicitude to her family. In her honor, we create a new Angel in-game name after Serrin. We hope that this special Angel will forever remind us of her kindness. 

This is her in game character. According to her husband, Serrin likes this game and her favorite map is Titania (Lvl. 81 -90). We can see that Titania is like a paradise, and now she must be in a place like this.

To honor her, We create a new angel named after Serrin. Serrin is dedicated and fearless, becomes an Angel in the land of Angels. She blesses us and will keep fighting with us with her avatar-Angel Serrin.


Besides we make Serrin an NPC in Titania map. Click her, you will see the poem made for her. We will never forget such a beautiful life we once met in LoA.

The new angel will be available after next version update. We will make a series of hot events to make Serrin avaialble to all players. All players have the chance to get this angel for free. Please keep focus on our website and forum event news.


LoA Team