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League of Angels

League of Angels > News

Notice of Price Adjustment


Dear players,

Thank you for your trust and support in League of Angels. We hope you can always enjoy yourself in the game.

To create a better payment environment for you, we will undergo a major adjustment in online payment from February 11th, 2015. Our goal is to better and simplify the payment process by setting different pricing strategies for different payment methods and adding more local payment options for Credit Cards, e-Wallets, Cash and Prepaid, Bank Transfer and Mobile Pay.


Orders made after February 11th will be charged at the adjusted prices, please pay attention to the adjustments before placing your order. In addition, League of Angels will hold precious and time-limited resources discount events (server time 18:00-23:59) during February 11th. Please find out more information in the announcements of our game.


If you have any suggestions or questions about the payment adjustment, feel free to contact us here: payment@gtarcade.com.