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Angels Special Offer: Choose Your Favorite Angel!


March 8th is celebrated as International Women's Day around the world. This special day provides a great chance to show appreciation for all females. League of Angels is happy to provide an Angels Special Offer event for all players during March, so that more people will have a chance to get their beloved angels, which were not so easily to get via events.

In short, we are going to have a lot of Angels FOR SALE this whole month! Pretty exciting, isn't it?

Keep an eye on the hot events and see if the Angels that you are missing will be on our special offer.

Every 5 days during March a new Hot Event, with  Angels, will be available!! You will be able to choose 2 out of 4 angels per event!

Get ready and make sure that the Angels you need will join your team!We hope all players will enjoy the new events and have fun in game!