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League of Angels

League of Angels > KeyFeature

Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt is a new seasonal event, where you can be a treasure hunter, taking part in a mysterious chase and earn yourself some wonderful rewards! Be confused about it? Let's explore it together!

1. Treasure Maps are necessary items to take part in the treasure hunt, which can be received in many different ways. Treasure maps are divided into 3 different pieces. When the 3 pieces are synthed, players will get the treasure chests, in which players have the opportunity to get one of the following items, and even superior reward.

Ragged Treasure Hunt Chest

Lvl.5 Superior Gem Chest *1

Magic Socketing Rod *1

Munin's Power *2

Soulstone *50

Rough Treasure Hunt Chest

Lvl.6 Superior Gem Chest *1

Gem Enhancement Stone *100

Blessed Stone *20

Element Crystal *100

Neat Treasure Hunt Chest

Gem Enhancement Stone *200

Seraph's Stone *50

Blessed Stone *50

Lvl.7 Superior Gem Chest *1

Lvl.6 Cherubstone *1

Superior Reward

Mecha Tyrannosaurus Soul *1

Sterling Moonbeam *1

Lvl.9 Superior Gem Chest *1

Lvl.8 Cherubstone *1

Superior Treasure Hunt Chest

Seraph's Stone *150

Blessed Stone *150

Angel Tear *50

Gem Enhancement Stone *600

Lvl.7 Fusion Gem Chest *1

Superior Reward

Heroic Gear Chest *1

Lvl.8 Fusion Gem Chest *1

Lvl.9 Cherubstone *1

Lvl.9 Superior Gem Chest *1

Fire Totem Chest(Topaz) *1

Perfect Treasure Hunt Chest

Ungodly Soul *5

Ungodly Soul *10

Lvl.7 PATK+Crit Gem *1

Lvl.7 MATK+Crit Gem *1

Lvl.9 Superior Gem Chest *1

Superior Reward

Lvl.8 PATK+Crit Gem *1

Lvl.8 MATK+Crit Gem *1

Blessed Stone *1500

Seraph's Stone *1500

Lvl.10 Superior Gem Chest *1

2. Find other players with the missing pieces of the map and embark on a treasure hunt together, according to what Treasure Maps they possess.The level of the map assembled will determine the available treasure.


3. If a player finds all 3 pieces of a map, he can embark on a solo Treasure Hunt.

4. If players would like higher quality Treasure Maps, they can visit Map Enhance. Better maps can be obtained, meaning more valuable treasures!

5. Every single treasure hunt gives players points for item exchange in the Point Shop. Choose exactly what you want!