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Starry Dream: Fabulous Cowboy Fashion Shows Up


Starry Dream

What does a starry night looks like in your mind? In this land guarded by Angels, when it is in peace and prosperity, Angels once had a grand meeting in a starry night in summer, for it was predicted that peace would be broken very soon. All Angels were ready to fight the coming war, but no one would know how fierce and horrible the war will be. To save more magic resources for Angels and Heroes, they jointly made a wheel called Starry Dream in case the war will be much tougher than predicted. Now, it's time for the Starry Dream to appear!

Duration: Oct 19 to Oct 21 (Server Time)

Server: S1 to S1115

Description: Choose a reward and spin the wheel of Starry Dream.  Rewards will be granted when all 7 stars are lit.

Starry Dream consists of three parts, Fantasy Star, Reward List, and Point Rankings.

Fabulous Cowboy Fashion, Lengendary Divine Stone, Royal's Mark, Lvl. 4 Artifact Card Chest and more will appear in Reward List.

Fantasy Star

It's up to you to choose what rewards you would like to get! In this tab you can see five kinds of rewards on the left. These rewards are of different levels. The higher the level is, the better the reward is. There is a star wheel at the right. You need to consume Lucky Points to spin for stars. Please note that higher level reward requires more Lucky Points.

Every day players will have 10 free Lucky Points, and can use vouchers to buy 20 Lucky Points at most.


Reward List

Reward list helps you to know what are available in each reward level. You can click Refresh Rewards button to change the reward. Every player has 5 free attempts to refresh rewards. After using up all the free attempts, you can consume vouchers to get extra refresh attempts. Refreshing won't affect stars that are already lit.

This time Starry Dream brings you powerful angel's artifact , Sliver Lord, Royal's Mark, Lilac Stone, Element Scroll ,Spring of Wisdom, Lvl. 8 Fusion Gem Chest, Dragonsoul EXP Pack(100), Ungodly Soul, Energy Vitamin and many other items.


Point Ranking

We will have Yesterday's Ranking, Today's Ranking, and Overall Ranking. In each ranking, there are basic prizes and Adv. prizes.

Daily Ranking

Ranking Basic Prizes (30 Points) Adv. Prizes (100 points)
1 Synth Scroll x500 Element Crystal x800
2~3 Synth Scroll x400 Element Crystal x600
4~5 Synth Scroll x300 Element Crystal x500
6~10 Synth Scroll x200 Element Crystal x300
11~20 Synth Scroll x100 Element Crystal x200


Overall Ranking

Ranking Basic Prizes (300 Points) Adv. Prizes (2,000 Points) 
1 Soulstone x500 Divine Emblem x5, Royal's Mark x800, Blessed Stone x500, and Lvl. 11 Superior Gem Chest x1
2~3 Soulstone x350 Royal's Mark x600, Blessed Stone x400, and Lvl.10 Superior Gem Chest x1
4~5 Soulstone x300 Royal's Mark x400, Blessed Stone x300, and Lvl.9 Superior Gem Chest x1
6~10 Soulstone x200 Royal's Mark x200, Blessed Stone x200, and Lvl.8 Superior Gem Chest x1
11~20 Soulstone x100 Blessed Stone x100, Lvl.8 Superior Gem Chest

Please note that the above content might be adjusted due to changes of the development plan. Final updates will be determined in game. 

More exciting events are coming up through Oct 18 to Oct 21 (Server Time), check them out in the in-game Hot Events menu now!