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League of Angels > Events

Capsule Toys: New Wing Aegis Cape Comes!


Capsule Toys

Server: S1 to S1102

Duration: Oct 7 to Oct 10 (Server time)

Description: Turn on the Vending Machine Button to get Capsule Toys which will earn you different kinds of items randomly.


Capsule Toys



1. During the event, all players get 1 free attempt daily while palyers with VIP4+ get 1 extra attempt daily.

2. The vending machine contains 50 Capsules each round. Reset the machine by clicking 1-Click Reset or simply waiting.

3. Combo requirements and rewards change after the machine resets.

4. Capsule prizes are shown in the panel while actual rewards will be placed in the reward inventory. Lock prizes for a fee to create combos.

5. For every 4 turns, players will receive a cumulative reward. Unlike combo rewards, cumulative rewards will be placed directly in the character inventory.

6. The cost for each turn is the sum of the  button turning cost and the locking fees.


1. Put your cursor on Prize Preview, you will see what's in the machine. After each reset, the items will be different.

2. Try to win more combo rewards, so that you can meet the requirement for Super Prize in Toy Shop.


Toy Achievement


You can collect rewards for your acquired Capsule Toys. The more you acquired, the better the rewards are.


Toy Shop


In Toy Shop, you can get wonderful items, Equipment, Angels, Mounts by using Gold Ticket, Silver Ticket, Bronze Ticket, and Capsule Coin. This time you can compete for Snow Queen, Fire Queen, Divien Emblem, Silver Dragon Lord, Cinderella, and Aegis Cape here! 


Reward Preview


Here you can see all Capsule Toy Rewards, Cumulative Rewards, and Combo Rewards. Let's see what you can get.


Please note that the above content might be adjusted due to changes of the development plan. Final updates will be determined in game.

More exciting events are coming up through Oct 7 to Oct 10 (Server time), check them out in the in-game Hot Events menu now!