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League of Angels

League of Angels > Events

Diamonds Bonus


To celebrate League of Angels reaching over 20 million installs, we are happy to announce that every player above level 30 will receive 100 diamonds for FREE! In addition to this, all players who recharge will receive a 100% diamond bonus of the recharge amount. This offer is only valid September 29th and 30th. Don't lose your chance to get free diamonds!

Duration: Sep 29 to Sep 30(server time)



Log in and level above 30

100 Diamonds

Total recharge 500 diamonds

500 Diamonds

Total recharge 2500 diamonds

2000 Diamonds

Total recharge 7500 diamonds

5000 Diamonds

Please note that the above content might be adjusted due to changes of the development plan. Final updates will be determined in game.
The league of Angels Team