
Participants Information

Jun 18,2014

Platform Server IGN Ranking
Ngames  s22 mejo 1
R2 Games  S14-Alecta'sTriumph PLAYBOY 2
R2 Games  S20-Fauna'sBounty koko 3
GTArcade  Boadicea(S2) Bobbie 4
GTArcade  BlueWitch(S12) Pokeme 5
R2 Games  S17-GuardianAngels Niddhog 6
GTArcade  LanceRuins(S31) Knut 7
R2 Games  S14-Alecta'sTriumph Waren 8
R2 Games  S98-TempestShores BlackLotus 9
R2 Games  S1-Nocturna'sTear jayden 10
R2 Games  S63-StoneCanyon Yodo 11
GTArcade  Glacia(S62) Slaktarn 12
Kongregate  KongregateS1 Aaron 13
R2 Games  S46-TheApotheosis Nanchatte 14
GTArcade  KingNori(S82)-HKT ADLL 15
GTArcade  Pyrona(S8) Shep 16
R2 Games  S77-BloodmaulCreek vhunter 17
GTArcade  ElfVillage(S26) oneee2 18
R2 Games  ua6 Freyja 19
R2 Games  S3-Prospera'sBounty Rusty 20
R2 Games  S3-Prospera'sBounty SuperLady79 21
R2 Games  ua5 iStorM 22
R2 Games  S75-WhitewaterCamp Aria 23
R2 Games  S3-Prospera'sBounty Borgann 24
R2 Games  S109-EtherealRealm Sammarah 25
R2 Games  S24-Solipsa'sLament Lylith 26
R2 Games  S44-Serpent'sGuile Hellmaker 27
Ngames  s22-SoaringHighlands GatorBait982 28
Facebook  RazorTrail(S7) Arulbo 29
GTArcade  Nibelung(37)-PST Auctor 30
R2 Games  S14-Alecta'sTriumph xN30x 31
Armor Games  ArmorgamesS1 Erien 32
R2 Games  S2-Sylvia'sCopse Ether 33
Facebook  Lunaria(s1) gixxerspd 34
Facebook  TwilightGate(S9) Mattd 35
GTArcade  Erobor(S124) Striker 36
GTArcade  Flamesburg(S36)-PST jenny 37
R2 Games  S9-Nyssa'sReef Vashtel 38
Facebook  DarkOutpost(S10) JayS8980 39
R2 Games  S8-CaptiveAmora RipleY 40
R2 Games  S85-IcewindBeacon River 41
R2 Games  ua5 Slayer 42
R2 Games  S87-WildhammerFold Kulotov 43
GTArcade  Guardian(S19) Todesritter 44
R2 Games  S14-Alecta'sTriumph Theyra 45
GTArcade  SoaringHighlands(S33) Serena 46
Facebook  TerrorCove(S13) billy420 47
R2 Games  ua4 ApexPredator 48
GTArcade  BloodbaneCrypts(S49)-PST Seraph 49
R2 Games  ua6 sunny 50
GTArcade  Alecta(S68)-PST LeeByeBye 51
R2 Games  S102-CoolBay Lezard 52
R2 Games  S62-ReefHeights sheneedabear 53
Ngames  S5-Glacia Blaaster 54
R2 Games  S1-Nocturna'sTear Nitemare 55
R2 Games  S116-ImpParliament zeal893 56
R2 Games  S4-Lunaria'sGrace MizUndrstd 57
GTArcade  CelestialMaiden(S21)-PST Cheyenne 58
R2 Games  S4-Lunaria'sGrace WinterNghts 59
GTArcade  Loralei(S1) JackNg 60
R2 Games  S49-EvilIncarnate KeyHawk 61
GTArcade  ByronBlack(S13) ahawol 62
R2 Games  S3-Prospera'sBounty MTTRJr 63
GTArcade  Queen`sLanding(S47)-PST Shinigami 64
Facebook  MorganValley(S11) Myshala 65
GTArcade  Kathiah(S90)-GMT Felouque 66
R2 Games  S69-FoultuskLair Jm4nsk1 67
Facebook  InfernalFurnace(S3) Hoke 68
R2 Games  S69-FoultuskLair Zendo 69
R2 Games  S96-OblivionKeep keep 70
R2 Games  ua6 Sieghart 71
R2 Games  S1-Nocturna'sTear Elaine 72
Kongregate  KongregateS2 Sindweller 73
Kongregate  KongregateS2 Loki 74
R2 Games  S70-SacredElementalis GoldenWraith 75
R2 Games  S118-Evil'sBane Abbygale 76
GTArcade  Shadowraith(S10) Estrie 77
R2 Games  S78-CampDeathknell Charles 78
GTArcade  BerserkerClaw(S23) Xanxus 79
GTArcade  ForgottenRealm(S27)-PST Monkeypaw 80
R2 Games  S29-AngelicExile Chirana 81
R2 Games  S9-Nyssa'sReef Kayla 82
R2 Games  S54-DarkOutpost AngelWarrior 83
R2 Games  S69-FoultuskLair Nalyel 84
GTArcade  Sylvia(S3) Dream 85
R2 Games  S38-Crusade'sAdvance toper13 86
GTArcade  BlazingSoul(S24)-PST Blowtorch 87
GTArcade  Nightblade(S6) dmccull2000 88
R2 Games  ua5 Albafica 89
GTArcade  Nibelung(37)-PST Aceshigh 90
R2 Games  S36-FallenAngels Keira 91
GTArcade  ThunderPlateau(S42) flyangels 92
R2 Games  S14-Alecta'sTriumph apple 93
R2 Games  S77-BloodmaulCreek CastThis 94
Ngames  S1-Nocturna revenge 95
Tbgames  S5-HouseoftheTriad JackNguyen 96
GTArcade  Zweihander(S7) Merissa 97
GTArcade  Victoriana(S67)-HKT Solidus 98
R2 Games  S81-WingblazeAltar Issaria 99
R2 Games  S64-FirePlumeCage hellifino 100
Facebook  BloodMaul(S6) Kappy 101
GTArcade  Prospera(S4) Chief 102
GTArcade  StoneCanyon(S39)-PST Godfri 103
R2 Games  S102-CoolBay Salem 104
R2 Games  S68-BloodbaneCrypt Xecute 105
R2 Games  S113-FaeSummit Niali 106
Facebook  AncestralCemetery(S4) majorpain 107
GTArcade  KingBones(S22) Krissy 108
GTArcade  StoneCanyon(S39)-PST XxSupremexX 109
R2 Games  ua7 tatsumichiha 110
GTArcade  BlazingForest(S107)-HKT Veritas 111
Kongregate  KongregateS1 Kynes 112
R2 Games  S100-Ridgeo'Fire xWayne 113
R2 Games  S91-FirebladeRidge JusTaGozu 114
R2 Games  S85-IcewindBeacon FantNo 115
GTArcade  Loralei(S1) WaLLaCe 116
Facebook  TwilightGate(S9) Ice3001 117
R2 Games  S106-ManaCity upurs 118
GTArcade  Amora(S66) minmay 119
R2 Games  S85-IcewindBeacon MageDude 120
GTArcade  Loralei(S1) Vhal 121
R2 Games  S17-GuardianAngels Leentia 122
R2 Games  S38-Crusade'sAdvance gemi 123
Facebook  AncestralCemetery(S4) Selina 124
R2 Games  ua9 LostHope 125
GTArcade  Loralei(S1) Magiaila 126
R2 Games  ua10 Darko 127
R2 Games  S17-GuardianAngels Mythusila 128
GTArcade  Shadowraith(S10) Jakeo 129
R2 Games  S29-AngelicExile dharmaro 130
GTArcade  Shadowraith(S10) darkstar 131
GTArcade  Sylvia(S3) Glorfindel 132
GTArcade  AstralChild(S9) Prince 133
Facebook  InfernalFurnace(S3) terror 134
GTArcade  Loralei(S1) LordLgD 135
R2 Games  S10-Victoriana'sWar Geta 136
R2 Games  S39-Archangel Misstyq 137
R2 Games  S101-Lairo'Flames Wishez 138
GTArcade  Prospera(S4) Feanor 139
R2 Games  S147-ThaneofWinter CCRZO 140
GTArcade  MoonTemple(S30)-PST Jaffar 141
GTArcade  AstralChild(S9) sheva 142
R2 Games  S121-RepublicofDis Cassper 143
R2 Games  S1-Nocturna'sTear Becia 144
R2 Games  S53-RockshardRoad Lucifarius 145
GTArcade  BerserkerClaw(S23) lifestream 146
R2 Games  S135-Divine'sFavor Morgana 147
GTArcade  BloodBaroness(S11) wilegenius 148
Ngames  S3-Claudia Valentine 149
GTArcade  Loralei(S1) Hero 150
R2 Games  S132-GaianWonders Darius 151
R2 Games  S42-ParadiseLost HaCkER 152
R2 Games  S82-Wallo'Thorns Nuba 153
R2 Games  S67-TerrorCove TheRealMe 154
R2 Games  S9-Nyssa'sReef yzel 155
R2 Games  S79-TitanhammerCage zanguo 156
R2 Games  S13-Valkyrie'sCall Larl 157
Kongregate  KongregateS4 MasterXX1968 158
GTArcade  ForgottenRealm(S27)-PST Cavity 159
R2 Games  S47-Metamorphosis River 160
R2 Games  S14-Alecta'sTriumph Rukiya 161
Tbgames  S2-SeraphimsofTheOrder dodytiger 162
Facebook  AbyssalClaw(S8) Shakyra 163
GTArcade  BloodrockChasm(S127) YuriViltwin 164
GTArcade  Loralei(S1) Destroga 165
GTArcade  Nereida(S25) MizzZarag 166
Ngames  s20-LanceRuins Demces 167
R2 Games  S69-FoultuskLair rosami 168
Tbgames  S1-seraphgoddesses ibrahimk85 169
Facebook  RazorTrail(S7) Lucid 170
GTArcade  ElfVillage(S26) xmarine2000 171
GTArcade  Sylvia(S3) Lawan 172
GTArcade  Atalanta(S15) Mirekill 173
R2 Games  S120-Dawn'sRegeant TODZ 174
GTArcade  BlazingSoul(S24)-PST Lainsia 175
GTArcade  Boadicea(S2) Athena 176
GTArcade  Zweihander(S7) xioxia 177
Ngames  S10-Prospera Maya 178
R2 Games  S110-LonfrostTrail Nelee 179
Ngames  S12-GreenRanger Bl00dh3ll 180
GTArcade  RoseKnight(S5) Melky 181
R2 Games  S38-Crusade'sAdvance DoomSlayer 182
R2 Games  S60-AccursedThrone Chris 183
Kabam  Server1 Gypsykiller 184
R2 Games  S93-CliffsofDespair Camoswush 185
R2 Games  S75-WhitewaterCamp Freedy 186
R2 Games  S29-AngelicExile Ancient 187
R2 Games  ua4 skyflakes 188
Ngames  s20-LanceRuins xasa 189
GTArcade  Exorcist(S20) VengeancE 190
GTArcade  Shadowraith(S10) Zero 191
R2 Games  S88-MystforgeOutpost XdeathX 192
Armor Games  ArmorgamesS1 Nemo 193
GTArcade  Exorcist(S20) Balrog 194
GTArcade  Shadowraith(S10) Ghostrydar 195
R2 Games  S83-AshCave Yahweh 196
R2 Games  ua4 StoYo 197
R2 Games  S88-MystforgeOutpost X3R0N 198
R2 Games  S73-BlazingForest Gwenlimor 199
R2 Games  S10-Victoriana'sWar myoung 200
R2 Games  S64-FirePlumeCage Rikudo 201
R2 Games  S71-Nibelung Itherael 202
R2 Games  ua5 Whisky 203
GTArcade  Pyrona(S8) Tiver 204
Facebook  Lunaria(s1) JimmyS 205
GTArcade  Claudia(S60)-PST Chris 206
R2 Games  S41-Wyrm'sGorge DarkMistress 207
R2 Games  ua8 Airi 208
GTArcade  MoonTemple(S30)-PST Tostamisto 209
GTArcade  TitanhammerCage(S58) Arielle 210
GTArcade  OasisShrine(S44)-PST Lillyth 211
R2 Games  S49-EvilIncarnate DemonWarrior 212
R2 Games  S79-TitanhammerCage grezer 213
R2 Games  S87-WildhammerFold Celestial 214
R2 Games  ua5 Lance 215
Facebook  FoultuskLair(S14) holi 216
R2 Games  S35-Azrael'sGrasp Ambulanceman 217
GTArcade  SacredElementalis(S50) Corast 218
GTArcade  SoaringHighlands(S33) armyace74 219
GTArcade  BloodmaulCreek(S53)-PST Kold 220
R2 Games  S63-StoneCanyon sriki 221
GTArcade  Pyrona(S8) DrkSyn 222
Ngames  S7-Marina Fzin 223
GTArcade  Erobor(S124) MadT 224
GTArcade  AshaphShrine(S32) Ivan 225
R2 Games  ua7 DKINGPASTOR 226
GTArcade  ByronBlack(S13) Blackjett 227
R2 Games  S121-RepublicofDis ezibito 228
R2 Games  S96-OblivionKeep NO1 229
R2 Games  S34-SeraphimWarlord Rain 230
GTArcade  Pyrona(S8) Corn 231
Kongregate  KongregateS4 bearwnhs 232
R2 Games  S34-SeraphimWarlord KoYoTe 233
R2 Games  S1-Nocturna'sTear ophilia 234
R2 Games  ua1 Amun 235
R2 Games  S4-Lunaria'sGrace ganicus 236
Facebook  ReefHeights(S12) Squirteh 237
GTArcade  MoonTemple(S30)-PST IpeeInPools 238
R2 Games  S10-Victoriana'sWar Remora 239
GTArcade  Nightblade(S6) Esteban 240
GTArcade  Prospera(S4) Kendralys 241
R2 Games  S85-IcewindBeacon Vicelicious 242
GTArcade  Sylvia(S3) Dowik 243
R2 Games  S119-Evening'sQueen Aigor 244
Facebook  Lunaria(s1) Yuul 245
GTArcade  AshaphShrine(S32) Appa 246
Kabam  Server3 LetItGo 247
R2 Games  S42-ParadiseLost Keanie 248
GTArcade  Shadowraith(S10) Wildas 249
Ngames  S13-Pyrona Smexy 250
R2 Games  S36-FallenAngels Pushok 251
R2 Games  S84-CitadelofDoom Orcide 252
GTArcade  Loralei(S1) lupis 253
R2 Games  S38-Crusade'sAdvance Lizzi 254
R2 Games  S118-Evil'sBane westmont 255
GTArcade  LanceRuins(S31) Lilliana 256
GTArcade  NorthernFurnace(S109)-PST Geriatric 257
R2 Games  S67-TerrorCove Luna 258
R2 Games  ua3 TheDevious1 259
R2 Games  S94-LonewindForest giugiuka 260
R2 Games  S17-GuardianAngels YourEnd 261
R2 Games  S1-Nocturna'sTear Alexxandria 262
GTArcade  LanceRuins(S31) NinjaMage 263
GTArcade  Zweihander(S7) EverMoreEm 264
R2 Games  ua1 Driz 265
Facebook  Lunaria(s1) Randy 266
R2 Games  S73-BlazingForest Rycius 267
R2 Games  S54-DarkOutpost DeadFROGG 268
R2 Games  ua7 SgtSpanky 269
R2 Games  S17-GuardianAngels Study 270
R2 Games  ua10 PatriciaM 271
GTArcade  Djinni(16) Synti 272
R2 Games  ua10 Demonmaster 273
R2 Games  S68-BloodbaneCrypt Bitsy 274
R2 Games  S107-TrailofVines Snowae 275
GTArcade  AstralChild(S9) PixyMisa 276
GTArcade  Dragon'sNest(S29) Zsijn 277
GTArcade  Pyrona(S8) LucyHeart 278
GTArcade  SoaringHighlands(S33) Kirico 279
R2 Games  S74-Nightwatch Mathyrs 280
R2 Games  S79-TitanhammerCage layla 281
R2 Games  S91-FirebladeRidge Curseofdead 282
GTArcade  Loralei(S1) Ka0rj 283
R2 Games  S60-AccursedThrone ReNE 284
R2 Games  S73-BlazingForest UnderDuck 285
GTArcade  Loralei(S1) Manapause 286
GTArcade  BerserkerClaw(S23) Kagura 287
Facebook  TerrorCove(S13) Kappy 288
R2 Games  S13-Valkyrie'sCall Chaosblade 289
GTArcade  BerserkerClaw(S23) omab 290
R2 Games  S29-AngelicExile Arcs 291
Facebook  DarkOutpost(S10) Izzeren 292
GTArcade  BlueWitch(S12) Fitzban 293
GTArcade  Sylvia(S3) shielsn 294
R2 Games  S17-GuardianAngels DanleAnsap 295
Tbgames  S5-HouseoftheTriad Junowoman 296
R2 Games  S14-Alecta'sTriumph AzKaVeneRa 297
R2 Games  S43-Israfil'sHorn ursuletu 298
R2 Games  ua9 Smiley 299
R2 Games  S2-Sylvia'sCopse Crucial 300

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